Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Pengeboman Pearl Harbor

Penyerangan Pearl Harbor
Bagian dari Teater Pasifik, Perang Dunia II
Attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese planes view.jpg
Foto Pearl Harbor dari pesawat terbang Jepang menunjukkan barisan kapal temput di awal penyerangan. Ledakan yang tampak di tengah gambar adalah serangan torpedo ke USS West Virginia
Tanggal 7 Desember 1941
Lokasi Utamanya Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Amerika Serikat (saat itu masih merupakan teritori administrasi, belum menjadi negara bagian Amerika Serikat)
Hasil Kemenangan mutlak Jepang;
Amerika Serikat menyatakan perang terhadap Kekaisaran Jepang; Jerman Nazi dan Kerajaan Italia menyatakan perang terhadap Amerika Serikat.
Casus belli embargo minyak dan perdagangan oleh Amerika Serikat; kebuntuan diplomasi antara Jepang dan AS.
Pihak yang terlibat
 Amerika Serikat Bendera Jepang Kekaisaran Jepang

Bendera Amerika Serikat Husband Kimmel
Bendera Amerika Serikat Walter Short

Bendera Jepang Chuichi Nagumo
Bendera Jepang Isoroku Yamamoto
8 kapal tempur,
8 penjelajah,
30 perusak,
4 kapal selam,
49 kapal lainnya,[1]
~390 pesawat
Satuan Bergerak:
6 kapal induk,
2 kapal tempur,
2 penjelajah berat,
1 penjelajah ringan,
9 perusak,
8 tanker,
23 kapal selam,
5 kapal selam midget,
414 pesawat
Jumlah korban
4 kapal tempur tenggelam,
4 kapal tempur rusak termasuk 1 kandas
2 perusak tenggelam, 1 rusak
1 kapal lainnya tenggelam, 3 rusak
3 penjelajah rusak[2]

188 pesawat hancur, 155 pesawat rusak,
2.345 militer dan 57 sipil tewas,
1.247 militer dan 35 sipil terluka[3][4]
4 kapal selam midget tenggelam,
1 kapal selam midget kandas,
29 pesawat hancur,
55 awak udara tewas, 9 awak kapal selam tewas dan 1 tertangkap[5]
Dengan pengeboman Pearl Harbor, Jepang membawa Amerika Serikat kepada Perang Dunia II di daerah Pasifik.
Pengeboman ini dilakukan pada tanggal 7 Desember 1941. Kala itu Angkatan Laut Jepang menyerang markas AL Amerika Serikat secara tiba-tiba di Hawai'i. Hasil serangan ini ialah rusaknya atau tenggelamnya +/- 20 kapal tempur Amerika, 188 pesawat terbang rusak dan 2.403 korban jiwa. Di pihak Jepang, Jepang 'hanya' kehilangan 55 pesawat tempur dari 441 pesawat tempur yang dipakai.
Setelah peristiwa ini, Jepang baru menyatakan perang kepada Amerika Serikat dan memulai kampanye militernya di Asia-Pasifik Raya.

Selayang Pandang

Pada 26 November 1941 angkatan yang terdiri atas enam kapal induk diperintah oleh Wakil Laksamana Chuichi Nagumo Jepang meninggalkan Teluk Hitokappu di Kepulauan Kuril dan menuju ke Pearl Harbor tanpa melakukan hubungan radio langsung apapun.
Pada pagi 7 Desember 1941, kapal terbang angkatan tersebut mengebom semua pangkalan militer Amerika Serikat di kepulauan Hawaii (terbesar merupakan pangkalan udara Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat di pangkalan militer Angkatan Udara Hickam), dan kebanyakan kapal yang berlabuh di pelabuhan Pearl, termasuk "Barisan Kapal Tempur". Hampir semua kapal terbang Amerika dimusnahkan di atas tanah; hanya beberapa pejuang berhasil lolos dan bertempur. Dua belas kapal perang dan kapal lain ditenggelamkan atau rusak, 188 kapal terbang dimusnahkan, 155 telah rusak dan 2.403 orang Amerika kehilangan nyawa mereka. Kapal perang USS Arizona diledakkan dan tenggelam menyebabkan 1.100 orang kehilangan jiwa, hampir separuh dari orang Amerika yang mati. Badannya diabadikan menjadi tugu peringatan kepada mereka yang tewas pada hari itu, kebanyakan dari mereka diabadikan di dalam kapal tersebut.
Tembakan Amerika pertama dilepaskan pada Perang Dunia II dan korban pertama serangan Pearl Harbor sebenarnya terjadi saat USS Ward menyerang dan menenggelamkan kapal selam kerdil Jepang. Terdapat lima kapal selam kerdil kelas Ko-hyoteki yang merancang untuk mentorpedo kapal Amerika Serikat saat pengeboman dimulai. Tidak satupun kapal selam tersebut berhasil kembali, dan hanya empat dari lima yang dijumpai semenjak itu. Dari sepuluh kelasi kapal selam tersebut, sembilan mati dan hanya seorang selamat , Sakamaki Kazuo, yang ditangkap; dia merupakan tahanan perang pertama yang ditangkap oleh pihak Amerika dalam Perang Dunia II.
Analisis gambar terkini oleh Institut Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat - United States Naval Institute menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kemungkinan besar salah sebuah kapal selam kerdil telah berhasil memasuki pelabuhan, dan berhasil menembakkan torpedo ke arah USS West Virginia. Kedudukan terakhir kapal selam ini tidak diketahui. [1]
Kapal induk Jepang yang terlibat dalam serangan tersebut adalah: Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga, Shokaku, Soryu, Zuikaku. Semuanya memiliki sejumlah 441 kapal terbang, termasuk pejuang, pengebom-torpedo, pengebom penyelam dan pengebom-pejuang (fighter-bombers). Dari semuanya, 29 musnah dalam pertempuran. Kapal terbang menyerang dalam dua gelombang, dan Nagumo memutuskan untuk membatalkan serangan ketiga untuk mundur.
Serangan pertama terhadap Pearl Harbor adalah pada pukul 07:53 tanggal 7 Desember, Waktu Hawai'i ataupun pukul 03:23 tanggal 8 Desember Waktu Jepang (lihat Nota Pasukan Penyerang Pearl Harbor). Militer Jepang mulai memasuki perbatasan Jajahan Baru Hong Kong pada subuh 8 Desember 1941[2]. Hong Kong Time adalah satu jam belakang Masa Kemenangan Jepang, dengan itu serangan pada Pearl Harbor merupakan sebagian perperangan pentas luas serangan hampir serentak dan bukannya permulaan —24 jam sebelum serangan di Asia— gambaran yang mungkin kelihatan jika sekilas melihat tanggal.


Angkatan Jepang berlayar ke arah Pearl Harbor tanpa pemberitahuan sampai saat-saat terakhir.
Tujuan serangan Pearl Harbor adalah untuk melumpuhkan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat di Pasifik, walaupun untuk sementara. Laksamana Isoroku Yamamoto sendiri menyatakan bahwa serangan yang berhasil sekalipun hanya memberikan setahun dua tahun kebebasan bertindak. Jepang telah terlibat dalam perperangan dengan Cina selama beberapa tahun (bermula pada tahun 1937) dan telah merampas Manchuria beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Rancangan untuk serangan Pearl Harbor untuk menyokong kelanjutan ketentaraan lanjut bermulai pada Januari 1941, dan latihan untuk misi berlangsung pada pertengahan tahun saat proyek ini dianggap layak setelah perselisihan sesama tentara laut Kekaisaran (Imperial Navy infighting).
Berkas:Pearl Harbor bombings.jpg
Dua gelombang serangan dilancarkan oleh Jepang yang datang dari pelbagai arah. Radar Amerika Serikat yang mendeteksi mereka dari sejauh 200 batu terletak di bagian atas peta ini.
Sebagian dari rancangan Jepang untuk serangan ini termasuk memutuskan perundingan dengan Amerika Serikat sebelum (dan hanya sebelum) serangan tersebut. Duta dari Kedutaan Jepang di Washington, termasuk wakil istimewa Kurusu Saburu, telah mengadakan perbincangan lanjut dengan Departemen Negara mengenai reaksi Amerika Serikat terhadap pergerakan Jepang ke Indochina pada musim panas. Hanya sebelum serangan, perutusan panjang dengan tujuan mengantarkannya dari Kedutaan ke Kantor Urusan Luar Negeri di Tokyo, dengan tujuan untuk mengantarkannya ke Sekretaris Hull sejurus sebelum serangan dijadwalkan bermula (contoh., 1 PM waktu Washington). Disebabkan kelewatan nyah-enkripsi dan menaip, tangan kanan Kedutaan gagal melakukannya; perutusan panjang memutuskan perundingan diantarkan lama setelah waktu yang sepatutnya, dan lama selepas serangan telah bermulai. Kelewatan penyampaian nota tersebut menambah kemarahan Amerika Serikat terhadap serangan tersebut, dan sebab utama bagi gambaran terkemuka Roosevelt sebagai "… tanggal yang akan abadi dalam kekejian". Yamamoto kelihatannya setuju; dia juga tidak gembira dengan kesalahan waktu. Dia dikatakan telah berkata, "Saya bimbang apa yang kita lakukan adalah membangunkan raksasa yang tidur dan memberikannya tekad yang dashyat", tetapi ini dikatakan petikan yang dicipta untuk filem, Tora! Tora! Tora!. Walaupun petikan itu bukan disebut oleh Yamamoto, ia kelihatannya menggambarkan perasaannya mengenai serangan tersebut.
Barisan Kapal Tempur memberikan kepadatan sasaran yang menarik.
Kedua bagian perutusan akhir telah dinyah-enkripsi oleh Amerika Serikat lama sebelum Kedutaan Jepang berhasil melakukannya, dan nyah-enkripsi bagian kedua yang menyebabkan Jenderal George Marshall untuk menghantar peringatan terkenalnya ke Hawaii pada pagi — yang sebenarnya diantar oleh, penunggang sepeda perutusan Jepang kelahiran Amerika, kepada Jenderal Walter Short di Pearl Harbor beberapa jam selepas serangan berakhir (terdapat kesulitan dengan komunikasi Militer, dan kelewatan penghantaran akibat kabel perdagangan, dan entah bagaimana kehilangan tanda "PENTING" dalam penghantarannya).

Dampak sesaat

Tempat penyimpanan peluru hadapan USS Arizona meledak begitu terkena bom yang digugurkan oleh Kusumi Tadashi.
Dari segi tujuan strategi serangan ke atas Pearl Harbor merupakan, dalam tempo singkat ke serdahana, kejayaan gemilang yang melampaui mimpi terbaik perancangnya dan mempunyai sedikit yang setanding dengannya dalam sejarah ketentaraan di era apapun. Disebabkan kehilangan yang parah di Pearl Harbor dan penjajahan lanjutan Jepang di Filipina, dalam tempo enam bulan berikutnya, angkatan laut Amerika Serikat hampir gagal memainkan peranan penting dalam pentas Asia Perang Dunia II. Dengan Angkatan Pasifik Amerika Serikat hampir keluar dari perkiraan, pihak Jepang bebas dari kebimbangan mengenai kekuasaan laut Pasifik lain. Jepang terus menjajah Asia Tenggara, seluruh barat daya Pasifik dan mengulurkan cengkeramannya jauh ke Samudera Hindia.

Dampak masa panjang

Bagaimanapun, dalam jangka masa panjang serangan ke atas Pearl Harbor merupakan malapetaka strategis bagi Jepang. Malah Laksamana Yamamoto Isoroku, yang mencetuskan ide menyerang Pearl Harbor, telah meramalkan bahwa sungguhpun dengan kejayaan menyerang Angkatan Amerika Serikat tidak akan dan tidak mampu memenangkan peperangan dengan Amerika Serikat, sebab kemampuan pengeluaran Amerika terlalu besar. Salah satu tujuan Jepang adalah untuk memusnahkan tiga kapal induk Amerika Serikat yang diletakkan di Pasifik, tetapi tiada ketika serangan terjadi — Enterprise dalam perjalanan pulang, Lexington telah berlayar keluar beberapa hari sebelumnya, dan Saratoga berada di San Diego selepas pengubah-suaian di Galangan Angkatan Laut Puget Sound. Merusak kebanyakan kapal perang Amerika Serikat dari bertugas, dianggap secara meluas— oleh tenteAngkatan Laut dan pemerhati sedunia —sebagai keberhasilan cermelang bagi pihak Jepang. Kehilangan kapal perang meninggalkan AL AS tiada pilihan kecuali meletakkan keyakinan mereka pada kapal induk dan kapal selam, yang merupakan kebanyakan yang tinggal—dan ini merupakan peralatan dengan mana AL AS menghentikan dan kemudian mengundurkan kemajuan Jepang. Kehilangan kapal perang sebenarnya tidak sepenting yang dipikirkan oleh semua orang sebelum (di Jepang) dan selepas serangan (di Jepang dan Amerika Serikat).
Presiden Franklin Delano Roosevelt menandatangani Deklarasi Perang terhadap Jepang pada hari berikutnya selepas serangan.
Kemungkinan yang paling penting, serangan Pearl Harbor bertindak sebagai katalisator yang menggerakkan sebuah negara untuk bertindak serta merta yang tidak mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh perkara lain. Dalam waktu semalam saja, ia menyatukan seluruh Amerika dengan tujuan berperang dan memenangkan peperangan dengan Jepang, dan kemungkinan mendorong kedudukan penyerahan tanpa syarat yang ditekankan oleh pihak Sekutu. Sebagian sejarawan percaya bahwa Jepang tetap akan kalah, tanpa memandang samaada depot minyak dan kedai mesin dimusnahkan atau sekiranya kapal induk berada di pelabuhan dan ditenggelamkan.

Tindakan pembalasan Amerika Serikat

Pada 8 Desember 1941, Kongres Amerika Serikat menyatakan perang atas Jepang dengan Jeannette Rankin yang merupakan orang yang satu-satunya tak setuju atas pernyataan itu. Franklin D. Roosevelt menandatangani pernyataan perang tidak lama kemudian, menggelar hari sebelumnya "tanggal yang akan kekal dalam keburukan." Pemerintah Amerika Serikat meneruskan pengerahan tentara, dan mulai beralih kepada ekonomi perang.
Permasalahan terkait adalah kenapa Jerman Nazi menyatakan perang atas Amerika Serikat pada 11 Desember 1941 sejurus selepas serangan Jepang. Hitler tidak perlu melakukannya di bawah syarat blok Poros, tetapi tetap melakukannya. In pastinya menggandakan kemarahan penduduk Amerika dan membenarkan Amerika Serikat untuk menningkatkan sokongannya terhadap Britania Raya, yang melewatkan sedikit tempo tindakan pembalasan Amerika atas kekalahan di Pasifik.

Kepentingan dalam sejarah

Pertempuran ini, sebagaimana Pertempuran Lexington dan Concord, mempunyai dampak terhadap sejarah. Ia hanya mempunyai sedikit dampak militer akibat kegagalan angkatan laut Jepang untuk menenggelamkan kapal induk Amerika Serikat, tetapi sungguhpun sekiranya kapal induk telah ditenggelamkan tidak akan membantu Jepang dalam jangka masa panjang. Serangan tersebut membuat Amerika Serikat terlibat penuh dan ekonomi pengilangan dan pelayanannya yang besar kepada Perang Dunia II, mendorong pada kekalahan blok Poros sedunia. Saat mendengar bahwa serangan atas Pearl Harbor akhirnya telah melibatkan Amerika Serikat ke dalam peperangan, Perdana Menteri Britania Raya, Winston Churchill, menulis "Dengan emosi dan penuh perasaan yang puas, saya baring ke pembaringan dan tidur dengan tidur orang yang diselamatkan dan bersyukur". (Sir Winston ChurchillThe Second World War, jilid 3, halaman 539)". Kemenangan pihak Sekutu dalam pertempuran ini dan kebangkitan Amerika Serikat sebagai kuasa besar dunia telah membentuk politik internasional sejak saat itu.

Siege of Leningrad

From Wikipedia
Siege of Leningrad
Part of the Eastern Front of World War II
Blokada Leningrad diorama.jpg
Diorama of the Siege of Leningrad, in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, Moscow
Date 8 September 1941 – 27 January 1944 (871 days)
Location Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Result Soviet victory
Nazi Germany Germany
Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946) Italy[3]
 Soviet Union
Commanders and leaders
Nazi Germany W.R. von Leeb
Nazi Germany Georg von Küchler
Finland C.G.E. Mannerheim[4][5]
Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov
Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov
Soviet Union Leonid Govorov
Casualties and losses
unknown Red Army:[6]
1,017,881 killed, captured or missing
2,418,185 wounded and sick Civilians:[6]
642,000 during the siege, 400,000 at evacuations
The Siege of Leningrad, also known as the Leningrad Blockade (Russian: блокада Ленинграда, transliteration: blokada Leningrada) was a prolonged military operation resulting from the failure of the German Army Group North to capture Leningrad, now known as Saint Petersburg, in the Eastern Front theatre of World War II. It started on 8 September 1941, when the last land connection to the city was severed. Although the Soviets managed to open a narrow land corridor to the city on 18 January 1943, lifting of the siege took place on 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began. It was one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history and one of the most costly in terms of casualties.[7]


The capture of Leningrad was one of three strategic goals in the German Operation Barbarossa and the main target of Army Group North. The strategy was motivated by Leningrad's political status as the former capital of Russia and the symbolic capital of the Russian Revolution, its military importance as a main base of the Soviet Baltic Fleet and its industrial strength, housing numerous arms factories.[8] By 1939 the city was responsible for 11% of all Soviet industrial output.[9] It has been reported that Adolf Hitler was so confident of capturing Leningrad that he had the invitations to the victory celebrations to be held in the city's Hotel Astoria already printed.[10] The ultimate fate of the city was uncertain in German plans, which ranged from renaming the city to Adolfsburg[11] and making it the capital of the new Ingermanland province of the Reich in Generalplan Ost, to razing it to the ground and giving areas north of the River Neva to the Finns.[12][13]


German plans

Army Group North under Feldmarschall Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb advanced to Leningrad, its primary objective. Von Leeb's plan called for capturing the city on the move, but due to strong resistance from Soviet forces, and also Hitler's recall of 4th Panzer Group, he was forced to besiege the city after reaching the shores of Lake Ladoga, while trying to complete the encirclement and reaching the Finnish Army under Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim waiting at the Svir River, east of Leningrad.[14]
Finnish military forces were located north of Leningrad, while German forces occupied territories to the south.[15] Both German and Finnish forces had the goal of encircling Leningrad and maintaining the blockade perimeter, thus cutting off all communication with the city and preventing the defenders from receiving any food or supplies.[2][14][16][17][18][19]

Leningrad fortified region

Antiaircraft guns guarding the sky of Leningrad, in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral.
On 27 June 1941, the Council of Deputies of the Leningrad administration organised "First response groups" of civilians. In the next days the entire civilian population of Leningrad was informed of the danger and over a million citizens were mobilised for the construction of fortifications. Several lines of defences were built along the perimeter of the city in order to repulse hostile forces approaching from north and south by means of civilian resistance.[2][4]
In the south one of the fortified lines ran from the mouth of the Luga River to Chudovo, Gatchina, Uritsk, Pulkovo and then through the Neva River. Another line of defence passed through Peterhof to Gatchina, Pulkovo, Kolpino and Koltushy. In the north the defensive line against the Finns, the Karelian Fortified Region, had been maintained in the northern suburbs of Leningrad since the 1930s, and was now returned to service. A total of 190 km (120 mi) of timber barricades, 635 km (395 mi) of wire entanglements, 700 km (430 mi) of anti-tank ditches, 5,000 earth-and-timber emplacements and reinforced concrete weapon emplacements and 25,000 km (16,000 mi)[citation needed] of open trenches were constructed or excavated by civilians. Even the guns from the cruiser Aurora were moved inland to the Pulkovo Heights to the south of Leningrad.


The 4th Panzer Group from East Prussia took Pskov following a swift advance and reached the neighborhood of Luga and Novgorod, within operational reach of Leningrad, but it was stopped by fierce resistance south of the city. However, the 18th Army — despite some 350,000 men lagging behind — forced its way to Ostrov and Pskov after the Soviet troops of the Northwestern Front retreated towards Leningrad. On 10 July, both Ostrov and Pskov were captured and the 18th Army reached Narva and Kingisepp, from where advance toward Leningrad continued from the Luga River line. This had the effect of creating siege positions from the Gulf of Finland to Lake Ladoga, with the eventual aim of isolating Leningrad from all directions. The Finnish Army was then expected to advance along the eastern shore of Lake Ladoga.[20]

Orders of battle

Map of Army Group North's advance into the USSR in 1941.
  Coral up to July 9.
  Pink up to September 1.
  Green up to December 5.


  • Army Group North (Feldmarshal von Leeb)[21]
    • 18th Army (von Küchler)
      • XXXXII Corps (2 infantry divisions)
      • XXVI Corps (3 infantry divisions)
    • 16th Army (Busch)
      • XXVIII Corps (2 inf, 1 armoured divisions)
      • I Corps (2 infantry divisions)
      • X Corps (3 infantry divisions)
      • II Corps (3 infantry divisions)
      • (L Corps — Under 9. Army) (2 infantry divisions)
    • 4th Panzer Group (Hoepner)
      • XXXVIII Corps (1 infantry division)
      • XXXXI Motorized Corps (Reinhard) (1 infantry, 1 motorised, 1 armoured divisions)
      • LVI Motorized Corps (von Manstein) (1 infantry, 1 motorised, 1 armoured, 1 panzergrenadier divisions)


  • Finnish Defence Forces HQ (Finnish Marshal Mannerheim)[22]
    • I Corps (2 infantry divisions)
    • II Corps (2 infantry divisions)
    • IV Corps (3 infantry divisions)

Soviet Union

  • Northern Front (Lieutenant General Popov)[23]
    • 7th Army (2 rifle, 1 militia divisions, 1 marine brigade, 3 motorised rifle and 1 armoured regiments)
    • 8th Army
      • X Rifle Corps (2 rifle divisions)
      • XI Rifle Corps (3 rifle divisions)
      • Separate Units (3 rifle divisions)
    • 14th Army
      • XXXXII Rifle Corps (2 rifle divisions)
      • Separate Units (2 rifle divisions, 1 Fortified area, 1 motorised rifle regiment)
    • 23rd Army
      • XIX Rifle Corps (3 rifle divisions)
      • Separate Units (2 rifle, 1 motorised divisions, 2 Fortified areas, 1 rifle regiment)
    • Luga Operation group
      • XXXXI Rifle Corps (3 rifle divisions)
      • Separate Units (1 armoured brigade, 1 rifle regiment)
    • Kingisepp Operation Group
      • Separate Units (2 rifle, 2 militia, 1 armoured divisions, 1 Fortified area)
    • Separate Units (3 rifle divisions, 4 guard militia divisions, 3 Fortified areas, 1 rifle brigade)
Of these, the 14th Army defended Murmansk and 7th Army defended Ladoga Karelia; thus they did not participate in the initial stages of the siege. The 8th Army was initially part of the Northwestern Front and retreated through the Baltics. (The 8th army was transferred to Northern Front on July 14).
On August 23, the Northern front was divided into the Leningrad front and the Karelian front, as it became impossible for front headquarters to control everything between Murmansk and Leningrad.

Severing lines of communication

On 6 August, Hitler repeated his order: "Leningrad first, Donetsk Basin second, Moscow third."[24] From August 1941 until January 1944, anything that happened between the Arctic Ocean and Lake Ilmen concerned the Wehrmacht's Leningrad siege operations.[4] Arctic convoys using the Northern Sea Route delivered American Lend-Lease food and war materiel supplies to the Murmansk railhead (although the rail link to Leningrad was cut off by Finnish armies just north of the city), as well as several other locations in Lapland.[citation needed]

Encirclement of Leningrad

Finnish intelligence was particularly helpful for Hitler, as the Finns had broken some of the Soviet military codes and were able to read their low-level communications.[25] He constantly requested intelligence information about Leningrad.[4] Finland's role in Operation Barbarossa was laid out in Hitler's Directive 21, "The mass of the Finnish army will have the task, in accordance with the advance made by the northern wing of the German armies, of tying up maximum Russian strength by attacking to the west, or on both sides, of Lake Ladoga".[26] The last rail connection to Leningrad was severed on 30 August, when the Germans reached the Neva River. On 8 September, the last land connection to the besieged city was severed when the Germans reached Lake Ladoga at Orekhovets. Bombing on 8 September caused 178 fires.[27] Hitler's directive on 7 October, signed by Alfred Jodl, was a reminder not to accept capitulation.[28]

Finnish participation

Hitler with Finland's Marshal Carl Gustav Mannerheim and President Risto Ryti; meeting at Imatra in 1942
By August 1941, the Finns had advanced to within 20 km of the northern suburbs of Leningrad at the 1939 Finnish-Soviet border, threatening the city from the north; they were also advancing through East Karelia, east of Lake Ladoga, and threatening the city from the east. The Finnish forces crossed the pre-Winter War border on the Karelian Isthmus by eliminating Soviet salients at Beloostrov and Kirjasalo, thus straightening the frontline so that it ran along the old border near the shores of Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, and those positions closest to Leningrad still lying on the pre-Winter War border. According to Soviet claims the Finnish advance was stopped in September through resistance by the Karelian Fortified Region,[29] however Finnish troops had already earlier in August 1941 received orders to halt the advance after reaching their goals, some of which lay beyond the pre-Winter War border. After reaching their respective goals, the Finns halted their advance and started moving troops to East Karelia.[30][31] For the next three years, the Finns did little to contribute to the battle for Leningrad, maintaining their lines.[32] Their headquarters rejected German pleas for aerial attacks against Leningrad[33] and did not advance farther south from the Svir River in occupied East Karelia (160 kilometers northeast of Leningrad), which they had reached on 7 September. In the southeast, the Germans captured Tikhvin on 8 November, but failed to complete their encirclement of Leningrad by advancing further north to join with the Finns at the Svir River. On 9 December, a counter-attack of the Volkhov Front forced the Wehrmacht to retreat from their Tikhvin positions to the River Volkhov line.[2][4]
On 6 September 1941, Germany's Chief of Staff Alfred Jodl visited Helsinki. His main goal was to persuade Mannerheim to continue the offensive. In 1941, President Ryti declared to the Finnish Parliament that the aim of the war was to restore the territories lost during the Winter War and gain more territories in the east to create a "Greater Finland".[34][35][36] After the war, Ryti stated: "On August 24, 1941 I visited the headquarters of Marshal Mannerheim. The Germans aimed us at crossing the old border and continuing the offensive to Leningrad. I said that the capture of Leningrad was not our goal and that we should not take part in it. Mannerheim and the military minister Walden agreed with me and refused the offers of the Germans. The result was a paradoxical situation: the Germans could not approach Leningrad from the north..." In fact the German and Finnish armies maintained the siege together until January 1944, but there was little, or no systematic shelling or bombing from the Finnish positions.[15]
The proximity of the Finnish positions — 33–35 km (21–22 mi) from downtown Leningrad — and the threat of a Finnish attack complicated the defence of the city. At one point the defending Front Commander, Popov, could not release reserves opposing the Finnish forces to be deployed against the Wehrmacht because they were needed to bolster the 23rd Army's defences on the Karelian Isthmus.[37] Mannerheim terminated the offensive on 31 August 1941, when the army had reached the 1939 border. Popov felt relieved, and redeployed two divisions to the German sector on September 5.[38]
Subsequently, the Finnish forces reduced the salients of Beloostrov and Kirjasalo,[39] which had threatened their positions at the sea coast and south of the River Vuoksi.[39] Lieutenant General Paavo Talvela and Colonel Järvinen, the commander of the Finnish Coastal Brigade responsible for Ladoga, proposed to the German headquarters the blocking of Soviet convoys on Lake Ladoga. The German command formed the 'international' naval detachment under Finnish command and the Einsatzstab Fähre Ost under German command. These naval units operated against the supply route in the summer and autumn of 1942, the only period the units were able to operate as freezing waters then forced the lightly equipped units to be moved away, and changes in front lines made it impractical to reestablish these units later in the war.[15][25][40][41]

Defensive operations

Two Soviet soldiers, one armed with a DP machine gun, in the trenches of the Leningrad Front on 1 September 1941.
The Leningrad Front (initially the Leningrad Military District) was commanded by Marshal Kliment Voroshilov. It included the 23rd Army in the northern sector between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, and the 48th Army in the western sector between the Gulf of Finland and the SlutskMga position. The Leningrad Fortified Region, the Leningrad garrison, the Baltic Fleet forces, and Koporye, Southern and Slutsk–Kolpino operational groups were also present.

Defence of civilian evacuees

By September 1941, the link with the Volkhov Front (commanded by Kirill Meretskov) was severed and the defensive sectors were held by four armies: 23rd Army in the northern sector, 42nd Army on the western sector, 55th Army on the southern sector, and the 67th Army on the eastern sector. The 8th Army of the Volkhov Front had the responsibility of maintaining the logistic route to the city in coordination with the Ladoga Flotilla. Air cover for the city was provided by the Leningrad military district PVO Corps and Baltic Fleet naval aviation units.
The defensive operation to protect the 1,400,000 civilian evacuees was part of the Leningrad counter-siege operations under the command of Andrei Zhdanov, Kliment Voroshilov, and Aleksei Kuznetsov. Additional military operations were carried out in coordination with Baltic Fleet naval forces under the general command of Admiral Vladimir Tributs. The Ladoga Flotilla under the command of V. Baranovsky, S.V. Zemlyanichenko, P.A. Traynin, and B.V. Khoroshikhin also played a major military role in helping with evacuation of the civilians.


Nurses helping wounded people during a German bombardment on 10 September 1941.
By 8 September, German forces had largely surrounded the city, cutting off all supply routes to Leningrad and its suburbs. Unable to press home their offensive, and facing defences of the city organised by Marshal Zhukov, the Axis armies laid siege to the city for 872 days.
Artillery bombardment of Leningrad began in August 1941, increasing in intensity during 1942 with the arrival of new equipment. It was stepped up further during 1943, when several times as many shells and bombs were used as in the year before. Torpedoes were often used for night bombings by the Luftwaffe.[citation needed] Against this, the Soviet Baltic Fleet Navy aviation made over 100,000 air missions to support their military operations during the siege.[42] German shelling and bombing killed 5,723 and wounded 20,507 civilians in Leningrad during the siege.[43]

Supplying the defenders

US propaganda film showing the Leningrad Road of Life during the siege of the city.
Supplies being unloaded from a barge on Lake Ladoga to a narrow-gauge train in 1942.
To sustain the defence of the city, it was vitally important for the Red Army to establish a route for bringing a constant flow of supplies into Leningrad. This route was effected over the southern part of Lake Ladoga, by means of watercraft during the warmer months and land vehicles driven over thick ice in winter. The security of the supply route was ensured by the Ladoga Flotilla, the Leningrad PVO Corps, and route security troops. The route would also be used to evacuate civilians from the besieged city. This was because no evacuation plan had been made available in the chaos of the first winter of the war, and the city literally starved in complete isolation until 20 November 1941, when the ice road over Lake Ladoga became operational.
This road was named the Road of Life (Russian: Дорога жизни). As a road it was very dangerous. There was the risk of vehicles becoming stuck in the snow or sinking through broken ice caused by the constant German bombardment. Because of the high winter death toll the route also became known as the "Road of Death". However, the lifeline did bring military and food supplies in and took civilians and wounded soldiers out, allowing the city to continue resisting the enemy.

Effect on the city

The two-and-a-half year siege caused the greatest destruction and the largest loss of life ever known in a modern city.[15] On Hitler's express orders, most of the palaces of the Tsars, such as the Catherine Palace, Peterhof Palace, Ropsha, Strelna, Gatchina, and other historic landmarks located outside the city's defensive perimeter were looted and then destroyed, with many art collections transported to Nazi Germany.[44] A number of factories, schools, hospitals and other civil infrastructure were destroyed by air raids and long range artillery bombardment.
The diary of Tanya Savicheva, a girl of 11, her notes about starvation and deaths of her grandmother, then uncle, then mother, then brother, the last record saying "Only Tanya is left." She died of progressive dystrophy shortly after the siege. Her diary was shown at the Nuremberg trials.
The 872 days of the siege caused unparalleled famine in the Leningrad region through disruption of utilities, water, energy and food supplies. This resulted in the deaths of up to 1,500,000[45] soldiers and civilians and the evacuation of 1,400,000 more, mainly women and children, many of whom died during evacuation due to starvation and bombardment.[1][2][4] Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery alone in Leningrad holds half a million civilian victims of the siege. Economic destruction and human losses in Leningrad on both sides exceeded those of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Moscow, or the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The siege of Leningrad is the most lethal siege in world history, and some historians speak of the siege operations in terms of genocide, as a "racially motivated starvation policy" that became an integral part of the unprecedented German war of extermination against populations of the Soviet Union generally.[46][47]
Civilians in the city suffered from extreme starvation, especially in the winter of 1941–1942. For example, from November 1941 – February 1942 the only food available to the citizen was 125 grams of bread, of which 50–60% consisted of sawdust and other inedible admixtures, and distributed through ration cards. For about two weeks at the beginning of January 1942, even this food was available only for workers and military personnel. In conditions of extreme temperatures (down to −30 °C) and city transport being out of service, even a distance of a few kilometers to a food distributing kiosk created an insurmountable obstacle for many citizens. In January–February 1942, about 700–1,000[citation needed] citizens died every day, most of them from hunger. People often died on the streets, and citizens soon became accustomed to the sight of death.
Reports of cannibalism appeared in the winter of 1941–1942, after all birds, rats and pets had been eaten by survivors.[48] Hungry gangs attacked and ate defenceless people.[49] Leningrad police even formed a special unit to combat cannibalism.[50]
On 9 August 1942, the Symphony No. 7 "Leningrad" by Dmitri Shostakovich was performed by the Radio orchestra of Leningrad.[51] The score had passed the German lines by air one night in March 1942. The concert was broadcast on loudspeakers placed in all the city and also aimed towards the enemy lines. This date, initially chosen by Hitler to celebrate the taking of Leningrad, and a few days before the Sinyavino Offensive, can symbolise the reversal of the dynamics in favour of the Soviet army.

Soviet relief of the siege

Soviet ski troops by the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad.

Sinyavino Offensive

The Sinyavino Offensive was a Soviet attempt to break the blockade of the city in early autumn 1942. The 2nd Shock and the 8th armies were to link up with the forces of the Leningrad Front. At the same time the German side was preparing an offensive, Operation Nordlicht (Northern Light), to capture the city, using the troops freed up after the capture of Sevastopol.[52] Neither side was aware of the other's intentions until the battle started.
The Sinyavino offensive started on 27 August 1942, with some small-scale attacks by the Leningrad front on the 19th, pre-empting "Nordlicht" by a few weeks. The successful start of the operation forced the Germans to redirect troops from the planned "Nordlicht" to counterattack the Soviet armies. The counteroffensive saw the first deployment of the Tiger tank, though with limited success. After parts of the 2nd Shock Army were encircled and destroyed, the Soviet offensive was halted. However the German forces had to abandon their offensive on Leningrad as well.

Operation Iskra

The encirclement was broken in the wake of Operation Iskra — (English: Operation Spark) — a full-scale offensive conducted by the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts. This offensive started in the morning of 12 January 1943. After fierce battles the Red Army units overcame the powerful German fortifications to the south of Lake Ladoga, and on 18 January 1943 the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts met, opening a 10–12 km (6.2–7.5 mi)[verification needed] wide land corridor, which could provide some relief to the besieged population of Leningrad.

Lifting the siege

The siege continued until 27 January 1944, when the Soviet Leningrad-Novgorod Strategic Offensive expelled German forces from the southern outskirts of the city. This was a combined effort by the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts, along with the 1st and 2nd Baltic Fronts. The Baltic Fleet provided 30% of aviation power for the final strike against the Wehrmacht.[42] In the summer of 1944, the Finnish Defence Forces were pushed back to the other side of the Bay of Vyborg and the Vuoksi River.